
I have done multiple web and mobile app projects in the past few years. Some of these have been personal projects to learn while others were for an organization or a class. The biggest project I have been part of is Project LEOPARD-Sat1. This project was started as an educational project by an organization at UC, UC CubeCats. I joined CubeCats in 2018 and started working on this project in 2019. These projects help me better my skills as well as give life to my ideas. I enjoy doing projects which solve a prevalent problem in the community around me.

UC COOPeration

UC COOPeration is a software development project undertaken as the culminating requirement for the Software Engineering class. Co-op students are generally eager to connect with other students to learn in more detail about a company’s culture and how they treat their co-ops. These pieces of information can be highly valuable to complete a successful co-op search. However, there is no easy way to get this information. Students typically rely on co-op advisors for contact information which is not efficient. Although the University of Cincinnati has many students participating in a co-op program, there is no network connecting them. UC COOPeration is a solution to this. UC COOPeration is a social media platform to connect co-op students at the University of Cincinnati. It will allow students to message other students and search for companies where other co-ops have worked. UC COOPeration will establish a co-op community at the University of Cincinnati. I and four other students are currently working on the development of this project. I am the Program Manager of the project and responsible for the UX/UI development as well as an android app.

UX & UI Design

Project LEOPARDSat-1/UC CubeCats

I am working on Project LEOPARDSat-1 currently. The purpose of LEOPARDSat1 (Low Earth Orbit Platform for Aerospace Research and Development Satellite One) is twofold. The primary objective of LEOPARDSat1 is to teach undergraduate engineering students at the University of Cincinnati rigorous, in-depth space mission and systems engineering. The secondary objective of LEOPARDSat1 is to study the ability of carbon composite materials to mitigate radiation in space.

To achieve these objectives, we are designing, integrating, testing, and preparing to launch a 1U (10 x 10 x 10 cm) CubeSat. A DIY engineering approach to the CubeSat design will be taken to achieve the educational objectives, with as many of the components as possible either built from scratch or purchased as terrestrial commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components and modified to fit the requirements of the mission. To achieve the secondary objectives, a sensor-array payload will measure the amount of radiation mitigated by carbon composite materials.

The educational outputs of the mission include students learning a baseline mission and systems engineering process for creating future spacecraft missions, students learning how to work together effectively as a team to achieve a common objective, and students learning how to effectively communicate with internal and external stakeholders through verbal and written modes of communication. The data collected by radiation sensors will provide the space community with information on the viability of using carbon composites for manned, deep-space, and/or orbital missions

Satelite Overview & Design

UC CubeCats Website

UC CubeCats is a student organization at the University of Cincinnati focussing on educating college students about space exploration and CubeSat development. During my tenure as the secretary of the club, I developed the club's website. I used HTML, CSS and JS for the development and Adobe XD for the UX/UI Design.

UX & UI Design

Portfolio App

To practice Android Development, I developed a portfolio app for myself. I used kotlin to develop the app using Android Studio and designed the UX/UI on Adobe XD. I got skilled in inmplementing recycler and card view and became confident to develop an android app in kotlin from scratch. The experience was valuable as it helped me on my first co-op.

UX & UI Design